
Your language learning partner for 100 days

How to use Speakberry journal

Use this notebook in any way that works best for you. I recommend spending some time every day on improving your English, especially if you're just starting out. Below, you will find some suggestions on how you could use the notebook. Also, check out Speakberry´s webpage for a short video where I tell you more about the idea behind the journal.

Plan for the week - The most important section every 7 days is: What are you going to work on this week - At the start of each new 7-day section in the notebook, take a moment to plan your learning activities for the upcoming days. This way, you are more likely to find time during the week to engage with English, like reading, listening, watching, or writing, even if just a little each day. Feel free to jot down straightforward plans, such as reading a newsletter, tuning into a podcast, or scribbling thoughts in your journal. Just remember to keep it achievable; try not to plan too much into your days. PS The wording of this heading changes each week.

Phrase of the week Each week, I encourage you to learn an interesting phrase in English. These phrases are special because their meanings are not always clear from a direct translation, yet they are frequently used in everyday English. On the first day of each seven-day section, try to figure out how you would say it in your language. Then, over the following days, you will find example sentences showing how the phrase is used in context. At the end of the section, do a little recap to see if you can recall the phrase and its meaning.

Words of the day Each day, try to find a word that deserves to be written down (together with the sentence where you saw it). It is that simple. 😊

Your daily journal Consider making this a regular practice in your language learning journey. Write about whatever you wish. But in case you are short on ideas, there is a question in each journal section that you can answer.

Notes and thoughts This space is all yours. Use it for longer journaling, organizing your day-to-day plans, or simply let your imagination roam.

Week`s review At the end of each week, take a moment to review the words you have gathered. Jot them down on the summary page. Select a handful that you want to remember – about 3 to 6 would be good. The idea is to revisit these words the following week, and then give them a quick review again the week after. Choose words that you see yourself using.

Take some time to reflect on the plan you set at the start of this 7-day period. Think about whether the plan you made at the beginning of the week was realistic and if you managed to do what you planned. If not, why? Maybe there was not enough time, or perhaps it was not interesting enough. Reflect on what you could do differently next week.

Month`s review Now it is time to take a broader look back. Take some time to flip through the notebook. Answer the questions and write down any reflections or thoughts that come to your mind.


Allolevas videos räägin, kuidas märkmikku kasutada ja kuidas täpsemalt oma õppimist planeerida.

Pikema versiooni koos küsimuste ja vastustega saadkord kuus toimuvalt veebinarilt. Järgmine veebinar toimub 3.07. Loe lähemalt siit.

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